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The Law Insider Student Spotlight tab is a way to showcase students whom the editors believe have talented writing skills and deserve to be recognized for their work as well as their interest in the topic they are writing about.


At the end of every season, a small handful of students will be chosen from the authors of the articles submitted and will be highlighted on this page so that their work can be recognized by not only other high school students but anyone who visits our website or social media page.


To be considered for a student spotlight, first, have a look at the different categories that we have editors for and write an article under the corresponding category. However, if you believe you have another interesting topic that others would enjoy reading about, write an article on that topic. After you have written your article, go to the “SUBMIT YOUR ARTICLE” tab on the menu above, and fill out the form. While filling out the form make sure to click the “yes” option to be considered for a student spotlight. After your article is submitted it will be reviewed by the corresponding editor (or anyone on the editing team if your article does not correspond with a category). We will write back to you via email if your article is published or you are considered for a student spotlight.


We hope to see your articles submitted to us soon as we would love to have as many articles on this website as possible and highlight as many inspiring students as we can.

Rachel Harris

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Rachel is a Senior at Smith's Hill Highschool, with passions in history and theater, and law within the future, the work she does for her greater community through workshops and advocacy, and research in her writing, such as her published article, we are honored to publish her work on our website. 

What inspired you to write this article?

I wrote this article because I am very interested in the responsiveness of the legal system in creating reforms to respond to large-scale events. I had been researching the Lindt Cafe siege in Sydney for a school assignment, and I found the legislative changes that the legal system had made after the siege to be very interesting, so I continued my research and wrote this article.

What do you want people to learn/ get out of this article?

I want people to be aware of how the law responds to terrorist actions, as well as the limitations surrounding law reform. I also want to open the discussion about the effectiveness of changes in certain legislation and how these affect society as a whole as well as just the legal and political systems. 

What are your main passions and why?

Aside from law, my main passions are history and theatre. I love how theatre can be a way of discussing modern social and political issues in a wide variety of forms, and how it allows so many people and communities to share their stories on stage in such an accessible way. I also am very interested in history, as I find it incredibly interesting to see how society, politics, and law have developed throughout history. 

In what ways have you/ do you impact your community around you? 

I have recently been participating in a series of workshops collaborating with eSafety to update the Australian eSafety Commissioner’s website to increase its usefulness to young people with negative or harmful experiences online. In these workshops, I have been able to discuss the issues that exist for young people in online spaces, and come up with ideas about how to improve online safety. 

Why are you interested in pursuing law in the future and what do you believe is its impact on the world around us?

I have recently been participating in a series of workshops collaborating with eSafety to update the Australian eSafety Commissioner’s website to increase its usefulness to young people with negative or harmful experiences online. In these workshops, I have been able to discuss the issues that exist for young people in online spaces, and come up with ideas about how to improve online safety. 

Vidyarth Tiwari

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Vidyarth is a Junior at Delhi Public School Dwarka in India. His future interests in law along with his work for the greater community around him, balanced with a mixture of passions outside the law serve as a great foundation for incredible research papers that have been shared on our website.

What inspired you to write this article?

Talking to my relatives who live abroad,introduced me to an issue which many immigrants face in the States.Talking to various immigrants via social media allowed me to intepret the situation.This eventually led me to write this article.
I have always liked to keep my self updated with my surroundings,when a new Marriage Bill was passed in India, it led me to research further about the topic and I found it particularly interesting.So I spent my winter vacations working on this article

What do you want people to learn/ get out of this article?

I want people to learn about the difficulties young women have to face in India,and how this new bill doesn't suit to the ground reality of India.I want people to understand that why raising the age of marriage isn't the right solution to end child marriages.

I want people to understand the basic difference in the outlook towards immigration by both the presidents.

What are your main passions and why?

My main passions are reading about everyday topics and researching about topics unknown to me.I am also a movie fanatic.I loved the TV Series Suits :)

In what ways have you/ do you impact your community around you? 

I’ve been lucky enough to co-lead the orphanage appeal project raising money to deliver Christmas presents to a local orphanage. As well as being a member of the Eco committee, organising initiatives to support a near-by elephant sanctuary.

Why are you interested in pursuing law in the future and what do you believe is its impact on the world around us?

II have always seen law as a scholarly discipline,that  offers the capacity to respond to the absolute greatest inquiries confronting society today.Law isn't only a subject that I mean to study, yet rather something which I see similar to a center piece of my personality.Unlike different subjects, law is applicable to every person in each general public around the world,Studying law is relevant in so many ways to our everyday lives. Law applies in all our daily transactions, from buying your morning coffee to negotiating a pay rise with your employer. 
Law gives you the power to make a difference
I will be applying to the UK for law[Oxford,UCL,KCL,LSE,Durham] in 2022 for 2023 entry.

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