
The Secular State: Law and Religion in Italy and France
Secularism, or the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions, has become a debated topic within Western Europe’s...
Beatrice Urari
Jan 3, 20233 min read

Liberalism vs Structural Realism: A comparison of the EU and China
The relationships between states have been analysed to attempt at creating a consistent explanation for the way that international...
Beatrice Urari
Jan 1, 20234 min read

The Schengen Zone Explained
Instituted in 1985 as an intergovernmental project between five EU countries, the Schengen agreement has become one of the primary...
Beatrice Urari
Dec 29, 20223 min read

The Geopolitical Repercussion of the European Green Deal
The European Green Dea entails a fundamental overhaul of the European energy system, and it will redefine Europe’s global policy priorities
Beatrice Urari
Nov 7, 20223 min read

ASEAN and the EU: A Comparison of Sovereignty
The European Union and the Association of South East Nations are two political and economic unions which encompass large portions of the...
Beatrice Urari
Nov 2, 20222 min read

The Rise of the Greens
Earlier this year European voters swept an insurgent party to the top of the polls for the new European parliament. But, contrary to...
Beatrice Urari
Sep 15, 20222 min read